Below are the Important & Frequently used commands used by most of the AIX Administrators
ls Lists files in current directory
cd change directory
mkdir to make a directory
rmdir to remove directory
cp to copy a file
rm to remove a a file
mv to rename a file
more to check the file page wise
tail to check the bottom lines of a file
head to check the top lines of a file
grep to find particular format of words or format
chmod to change the file permissions
kill to kill a process and to stop the process
who to check who are logged in currently
finger to show who all are logged in
history to show you the commmands run previously
df -gt to list the disk free space in Gigs
exit to logout frm the aix or Unix machine
topas to check the utilisation of CPU,process which is using most resources and also the I\O onDisk
ifconfig -a to show you all the ipaddressess of htat server
errpt to check the errorlog of AIX for both software and hardware
nslookup to find out server name frm ip address and vice versa
cfgmgr To check n update the database and list the hardware
lsdev -cc tape To check all the tapes drives
lslpp -L all List all the softwares that are installed
lslpp -L <software name> To Check if the software installed
lslpp -f Lists all the file sets and packages
lslpp -ha To list the history of files that have been installed
hostname to get the hostname of the host you hav logged in
ifconfig -device name to list the network card setting for that particular card
ifconfig devicename UP/DOWN To change the status of the Nic card v r refering
ifconfig devicename DETACH To remove the Nic frm the list of Nic interfaces
route -ADD/DELETE -NET/HOST Destination Gateway to add a route between the source and Destination.
lsattr -EHI inet0 displays the route listed in odm database
odmget -q “name=inet0” xyz Gives u the list of the details in the ODM database about the ROUTE which is in ODM Database
uname -a to show the flavour of unix,version and serial number of themachine
lsattr -EHI inet0 displays the route listed in odm database
lscfg -vl rmtname how to find the serial number of a drive
lscfg -vl fcs0 or 1 or 2 to get the wwpn name of the FC
lscfg to list all the devices
lscfg -v verbose for all the devices
rmdev -l devicename -d to delete it
lsattr -l devicename -E how to get the WWN number of a drive
mkdev -l devicename to change the defined device to available
prtconf to show all the info abt the hardware of the system
bootinfo -b will tel u frm where the server has botted up
bootinfo -r tell you the real memory
bootinfo -T tell you the machine type
ping to check the remote machine is alive or not